Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The End is Near

Mom really declined yesterday afternoon.  She had a spell were she said that it was time to die and wanted God to hurry up.  From that point she has been resting and has not spoken much.  We have been spending all of our time with her praying and reading Scripture.  Mom seems to have liked hearing Rita read from the family Bible.

Bruce arrived yesterday evening and has been with her ever since.  Last night we were around her joking and laughing at some of the things that she has been saying.  At times she had been very witty.  You could tell that she wanted to laugh also but just had no strength.  You could tell that she could hear and understand us, especially when she hears Dad or feels his touch.

Her body is going through the final stages of shutdown.  Sometimes you can tell that she knows you are there with her and she'll squeeze your hand.  Most of the time she is just laboring to breath.  She doesn't seem like she is in any pain.  The morphine has helped greatly.  She just seems like she wants to go home and is impatiently waiting.

We've stayed with her through the night, taking short naps here and there (expect Kim, who promised Mom she would stay with her until the end and refuses to sleep or leave Mom for Mom's sake).  We are thankful for the time we have been able to spend with her.  Last night I was thinking of how similar to watching a woman in labor.  You rush the hospital thinking something is going to happen.  Then you hurry up and wait.  The results are the same but different.


  1. Thanks again for doing this blog. I read it daily. My prayers are with Grandma

  2. I pray that your mom will pass in peace and that the family will find the strength and peace once she does. I love your mom and have been thinking about all the funny memories of her. What a lady.
